A Covenant
Hello everyone,
How are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord. We thank God for all that He is to us. Now, a covenant is a reciprocal arrangement between God and man; an agreement that has conditions. God makes covenant with His people. For instance with Adam (Genesis 3v14-19), Hagar (Genesis 16v7-14), Sarah (Genesis 17v15-19; 18v9-15) … Today, we are under the “New Covenant” which was made by Christ - “And this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26v28, KJV).
Primary Text: Psalm 105v9
“Which covenant He made with Abraham, and His oath unto Isaac;” Psalm 105v9 (KJV)
We see here how He made a covenant with Abraham, and an oath unto Isaac. The covenant with Abraham, was to him and his seed forever. This is called the Abrahamic covenant. And God remembers “His covenant for ever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations” (Psalm 105v8). God’s covenant usually consists of Him agreeing to do something, and we also having a part to play. But if you look for instance at the details of the Abrahamic covenant, it just contains so many blessings for the person who enters into the covenant with God, and we can be assured that God will keep His part.
Supplementary Text: The Abrahamic covenant (From Dakes Concordance)
The 7-fold promise of the covenant were:
A. “I will make of thee a great nation” (Genesis 12:1-3; 13-16; 17:18-20; 24:34, 35; Galatians 3).
B. “Make thy name great” (Genesis 12:1-3; Exodus 2:24, 25, 6:3-8)
C. “Thou shalt be a blessing” (Genesis 12:1-3; Galatians 3:13, 14)
D. “I will bless them that bless thee” (Genesis 12:1-3; Matthew 25:31-46)
E. “I will bless thee” (Genesis 13:14-18; 15:18-21; Galatians 3)
F. “I will curse them that curse thee” (Zechariah 14; Matthew 25:31-46)
G. “In thee shall all the nations of the world be blessed” (Deuteronomy 28:8-14; Isaiah 60:3-5; 66:18-21; John 8:56-58; Galatians 3:16)
The sign of the covenant: circumcision (Genesis 17:1-21; Isaiah 24:5).
Father, we thank You so much for Your Word this day. We thank You because You are a covenant keeping God. We thank You because You are not a man that You should lie, nor the son of man that You should repent: have You said, and will You not do? Or have You spoken, and will You not make it good? Thank You Father in Jesus name, amen.
How are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord. We thank God for all that He is to us. Now, a covenant is a reciprocal arrangement between God and man; an agreement that has conditions. God makes covenant with His people. For instance with Adam (Genesis 3v14-19), Hagar (Genesis 16v7-14), Sarah (Genesis 17v15-19; 18v9-15) … Today, we are under the “New Covenant” which was made by Christ - “And this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26v28, KJV).
Primary Text: Psalm 105v9
“Which covenant He made with Abraham, and His oath unto Isaac;” Psalm 105v9 (KJV)
We see here how He made a covenant with Abraham, and an oath unto Isaac. The covenant with Abraham, was to him and his seed forever. This is called the Abrahamic covenant. And God remembers “His covenant for ever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations” (Psalm 105v8). God’s covenant usually consists of Him agreeing to do something, and we also having a part to play. But if you look for instance at the details of the Abrahamic covenant, it just contains so many blessings for the person who enters into the covenant with God, and we can be assured that God will keep His part.
Supplementary Text: The Abrahamic covenant (From Dakes Concordance)
The 7-fold promise of the covenant were:
A. “I will make of thee a great nation” (Genesis 12:1-3; 13-16; 17:18-20; 24:34, 35; Galatians 3).
B. “Make thy name great” (Genesis 12:1-3; Exodus 2:24, 25, 6:3-8)
C. “Thou shalt be a blessing” (Genesis 12:1-3; Galatians 3:13, 14)
D. “I will bless them that bless thee” (Genesis 12:1-3; Matthew 25:31-46)
E. “I will bless thee” (Genesis 13:14-18; 15:18-21; Galatians 3)
F. “I will curse them that curse thee” (Zechariah 14; Matthew 25:31-46)
G. “In thee shall all the nations of the world be blessed” (Deuteronomy 28:8-14; Isaiah 60:3-5; 66:18-21; John 8:56-58; Galatians 3:16)
The sign of the covenant: circumcision (Genesis 17:1-21; Isaiah 24:5).
Father, we thank You so much for Your Word this day. We thank You because You are a covenant keeping God. We thank You because You are not a man that You should lie, nor the son of man that You should repent: have You said, and will You not do? Or have You spoken, and will You not make it good? Thank You Father in Jesus name, amen.
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