Even in Uncertainty (2)
Dearly Beloved. I trust this finds you well and bubbling in the Lord. We continue to study the book of Philippians. Philippians 2v19 (NLT) says “If the Lord Jesus is willing, I hope to send Timothy to you soon for a visit. Then he can cheer me up by telling me how you are getting along. Some other translations put it this way: “Yet I’m trusting in our Lord Jesus that …” TPT; “But I hope and trust in the Lord Jesus…” (AMPC); and “I plan (according to Jesus’ plan) ...” (MSG). Imagine being in a situation of great uncertainty – no access to phones, the news as we know it, social media, not sure of what tomorrow may hold. Now imagine Paul writing this letter from prison. Indeed, he was amid great uncertainty, not knowing what tomorrow would hold. But one thing he could do – and that was to put his trust in the Lord Jesus; to keep his hope in God alive. I would like to encourage us with the life of Abraham.
The Bible says of Abraham,
“[For Abraham, human reason for] hope being gone, hoped in faith that he should
become the father of many nations, as he had been promised, So [numberless]
shall your descendants be. He did not weaken in faith when he considered the
[utter] impotence of his own body, which was as good as dead because he was
about a hundred years old, or [when he considered] the barrenness of Sarah’s
[deadened] womb. No unbelief or distrust made him waver [doubtingly question)
concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as
he gave praise and glory to God, Fully satisfied and assured that God was able
and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised. That is why his
faith was credited to him as righteousness (right standing with God). But [the
words], It was credited to him, were written not for his sake alone, But [they
were written] for our sakes too. [Righteousness, standing acceptable to God]
will be granted and credited to us also who believe in (trust in, adhere to,
and rely on) God, Who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, Who was betrayed and
put to death because of our misdeeds and was raised to secure our justification
(our acquittal), [making our account balance and absolving us from all guilt
before God]” (Romans 4v18-25, AMPC). Child of God, be encouraged, even in
uncertainty, you can put your hope in God, remembering Romans 8v28 (NIV) that
says “And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him, who have been
called according to his purpose.” Amen.
Dear God, we
thank You for You are our God, and You have good plans for us, thoughts of
peace and not of evil to give us a future, a hope and an expected end. We
declare that we will trust You and keep our hope in You regardless of
uncertainties. Thank You Lord for You never fail. We pray all this in Jesus
name, amen.
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