A Prayer for You!!!
are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord. Praying for
ourselves and for the brethren is so important. We find through scripture,
examples of places where prayers were made for the body of Christ. We find one
of such prayers in Hebrews 13v20-21. It talks about God being the Author of
peace; the One who brought Jesus from the dead. It mentions how Jesus is the
great Shepherd of we the sheep, having achieved this through the eternal
covenant. Again, it offers prayers for us that He will equip us for all we need
to do His will, and produce through His power all that is pleasing to Him.
may the God of peace— who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the
great Shepherd of the sheep, and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood— may
He equip you with all you need for doing His will. May He produce in you,
through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to Him. All
glory to Him forever and ever! Amen.” Hebrews 13v20-21 (NLT)
may the God of peace [Who is the Author and the Giver of peace], Who brought
again from among the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, by
the blood [that sealed, ratified] the everlasting agreement (covenant,
testament), Strengthen (complete, perfect) and make you what you
ought to be and equip you with everything good that you may carry out
His will; [while He Himself] works in you and accomplishes that which
is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ (the Messiah); to Whom be the
glory forever and ever (to the ages of the ages). Amen (so be it).” Hebrews 13v20-21
the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great
shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make
you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is
wellpleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and
ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13v20-21 (KJV)
now may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip
you with all you need for doing His will. May he who became the great Shepherd
of the sheep by an everlasting agreement between God and you, signed with His
blood, produce in you through the power of Christ all that is pleasing to him.
To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews 13v20-21 (TLB)
blessed as you meditate on these verses and pray with them.
we thank You so much for the great work You are doing in and through us. Be
glorified forevermore, in Jesus name, amen.
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