Pray for us
Hello everyone,
How are you doing on
this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord.
Primary Text
“Brothers and
sisters, pray for us.” 1 Thessalonians 5v25 (NIV)
Growing up we learnt
a song which said “prayer is the key, prayer is the key, prayer is the master
key, Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer, prayer is the master key.”
There is great power in prayer and one thing we can do for one another is to
pray. We may not be in the same geographical and physical space but we can lift
one another up in prayer. Many times we all go through different issues,
situations, trials, and temptations. Sometimes we may not understand the extent
of what another person is going through, but we can pray for them. 1 Peter
5v8-9 (NIV) says “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls
around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing
firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the
world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” Here, we find that not only
we are going through issues, but the whole body of believers too as well, and
so as often as we can, let us remember others and lift them up to God in
prayer. We can pray for strengthened faith, for deliverance in times of
afflictions, for healing, purity, breakthrough, for missionaries … things you
can pray for yourself, we can also pray for others. God is faithful, and He
hears our prayers when we pray according to His will. So please, pray for one
another. We see Paul often requesting prayer for themselves and praying often
for the churches in different places; and we too can draw from these prayers,
as we see for example in Colossians 1v9-13 (TLB) which says:
Prayer & Supplementary Text
“So ever since we
first heard about you we have kept on praying and asking God to help you to
understand what He wants you to do; asking Him to make you wise about spiritual
things; and asking that the way you live will always please the Lord and honor
Him, so that you will always be doing good, kind things for others, while all
the time you are learning to know God better and better. We are praying, too,
that you will be filled with His mighty, glorious strength so that you can keep
going no matter what happens – always full of the joy of the Lord, and always
thankful to the Father who has made us fit to share all the wonderful things
that belong to those who live in the Kingdom of light. For He has rescued us
out of the darkness and gloom of Satan’s kingdom and brought us into the
Kingdom of His dear Son, who bought our freedom with His blood and forgave us
all our sins.” Thank You so much o God for hearing and answering our prayers in
Jesus name, amen.
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