I trust in You alone
Hello everyone,
How are you doing
on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord.
Primary Text
that time the prophet Hanani came to King Asa and told him, “Because you have
put your trust in the king of Syria instead of in the Lord your God, the army
of the king of Syria has escaped from you. Don’t you remember what happened to
the Ethiopians and Libyans and their vast army, with all of their chariots and
cavalrymen? But you relied then on the Lord, and he delivered them all into
your hand. For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole
earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can
show his great power in helping them. What a fool you have been! From now on
you shall have wars.” 2 Corinthians 16v6-9 (TLB)
Beloved, God is
never tired of hearing your voice. In fact in Luke 18v1, Jesus told His
disciples a parable “to the effect that they ought to pray and not turn coward
(faint, lose heart, give up).” In the text that we read above, the king had
been used to relying on God in the past, and then he faced yet another problem,
but instead of going to God, he went to Egypt for help. Beloved, have you begun
to look to other things but the Lord for help? Is your faith in Him slipping?
Go to Him again. In Galatians 3v3 (AMP), Paul tells the Galatians “Are
you so foolish and so senseless and so silly? Having begun [your
new life spiritually] with the [Holy] Spirit, are you now reaching perfection
[by dependence] on the flesh?” Let us never ever lose our dependence on God the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is song that says “Why not trust God again”
(please see below for lyrics).
Father, I thank
You for Your Word. Thank You for You are trustworthy and dependable. Glory be
to Your holy name. Thank You for You have been our help in ages past and You
are our hope for years to come. Lord, forgive me if I have looked to anything
but You for help. Forgive me and help me to keep my eyes fixed on You alone.
Song: Why not trust again (Kurt Carr).
When life seems cruel and so unfair,
with each new day it seems a greater problem's waiting there.
For each step forward I take, seems I get pushed two steps behind.
Don't think I'm gonna make it sometimes,
don't think my nerves can take it this time,
as I'm about to call it quits the solution comes to mind.
[Chorus 1:]
Why not trust God again;
I know that He can do it if I pray again,
believe again, my God will work it for my good again.
I know that He will see me through it all if I trust in God again.
Is there a mountain standing in your way?
Is there a loved one you're worried about today (worried about today)?
(Ooh) Is there a blessing you desire that seems intangible?
Instead of giving up the fight,
just cling to faith with all your might,
the One that's seen you through before
is still able (able, able, able),
He's still able (able, able, able).
'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
just to take Him at His word.
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