are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord.
Primary Text
who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My throne,
as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on His
throne. He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy]
Spirit says to the assemblies (churches).” Revelations 3v21-22 (AMP)
is a victory for God’ children, which is revealed at the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ. We see as in the verse above that as the Lord spoke to the churches, He
would tell them to heed what the Spirit is saying, and as well the reward for
overcoming. In a sense, He would tell them things He has noticed either good or
bad and advise them on what needs to be corrected, if any; or encourage them.
Afterwards He would tell them about the overcomers reward (see Revelations
2-3). Heaven is very real and the coming of our Lord Jesus is very real. What
footprint are you leaving in life? What legacy are you leaving behind, and
where would you spend eternity? In
this journey, our Lord wants us to succeed, indeed He causes us to triumph in Christ
(2 Corinthians 2v14). But we need to be doers of His Word and not hearers only (James
1v22). Our Lord Jesus was an overcomer, and through Him we can be too. The
question is, are you willing?
we thank You for Your Word. We want to be overcomers and spend eternity with
You o God. Help us. We pray according to Jude 1v24-25, and give all glory to
You who alone is God, who saves us through Jesus Christ our Lord; yes, splendor
and majesty, all power and authority are Yours from the beginning; Yours they
are and Yours they evermore shall be. And You are able to keep us from slipping
and falling away, and to bring us, sinless and perfect, into Your glorious
presence with mighty shouts of everlasting joy. Amen.
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