God is in control
Hello everyone,
How are you doing on this day?
I hope well and bubbling in the Lord. Romans 8v28 (AMPC) says “We are assured
and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and
are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called
according to [His] design and purpose.” Beloved, nothing catches God unawares.
He is our God, our Father and wants the best for you. If you will allow Him, if
you will give Him the reins of your life, withholding nothing back, He will
make something spectacular out of it, like He did for Daniel, Ruth, Abraham,
Now, you might not see a
dramatic change all at once, indeed every day might even seem pretty normal,
but you will begin to see a certain loveliness around your life, knowing that
His goodness and mercy has been following You (Psalm 23v6). We see the life of
David for example, He was anointed to be king, but then he went through many
trials and difficulties, had to hide away and run away from Saul, the current
king – but we know that eventually, he did become king first in Judah and in
all of Israel. Not only that, God made him a promise that “If your sons pay
close attention to their way, to walk before Me in faithfulness with all their
heart and with all their soul, you shall not lack a man on the throne of
Israel” (1 Kings 2v4, ESV). Even when David’s sons and their sons sinned, the
Almighty God because of David, still preserved a part of the kingdom for them
(1 Kings 11v29-36). Indeed, Jesus is called the son of David.
Beloved, what promise has the
Lord made to you? Hold on to it. Remember, He is the One who performs that
which is appointed for us and fulfills His purpose for us (Psalm 57v2). Do not
try to take things into your own hands and cause them to happen by yourself. In
His time He makes all things beautiful (Ecclesiastes 3v11). “And I am sure that
God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in
His grace until His task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus
Christ returns (Philippians 1v6, TLB). Indeed, the Lord will perfect that which
concerns you and will not forsake you in Jesus name, amen (Psalm 138v8).
Supplementary Text
“I know that whatever God does,
it endures forever; nothing can be added to it nor anything taken from it. And
God does it so that men will [reverently] fear Him [revere and worship Him,
knowing that He is].” Ecclesiastes 3v14 (AMPC)
Our Father and our God, we
thank You for this day. We thank You for Your many blessings, Your love and
Your mercy. We thank You for all that You are to us. Blessed be Your holy name
forevermore. Father, we give You full and total control of our lives to use it
for the glory of Your name. Indeed, our lives belong to You, they are not ours.
Have Your way O God. We pray that in any way we might have moved from Your
plans for our lives that You who are the Potter will mold it again as seems
good to You. We love You and we honour You. We are Your masterpiece. Thank You for
Your grace and Your glory in Jesus name, amen.
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