A Passion for Christ
beloved, I trust this finds you well and bubbling in the Lord. What do you
consider as your life? Some people look at their job as their life; their
family as their life; their career e.t.c. But Paul sets a good example for we
believers in declaring that for him to live is Christ. Philippians 1v20-21 (TPT)
says “No matter what, I will continue to hope and passionately cling to Christ,
so that He will be openly revealed through me before everyone’s eyes. So I will
not be ashamed! In my life or in my death, Christ will be magnified in me. My
true life is the Anointed One, and dying means gaining more of Him.”
In another
part of scripture, Paul also expressed wanting to know Christ even more and
more: “Yes, furthermore, I count everything as loss compared to the possession
of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing
worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord and of
progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him [of
perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly]. For
His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse,
dregs), in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the Anointed One), And that I
may [actually] be found and known as in Him, not having any [self-achieved]
righteousness that can be called my own, based on my obedience to the Law’s
demands (ritualistic uprightness and supposed right standing with God thus
acquired), but possessing that [genuine righteousness] which comes through
faith in Christ (the Anointed One), the [truly] right standing with God, which
comes from God by [saving] faith (Philippians 3v8-9, AMPC).” Besides that, he
said “In Him we live, and move and have our being…” (Acts 17v28). Even as we go
about our daily lives, and weeks, months, and years, let’s have this same
attitude – seeking the glory of Christ, and seeking to know Him more and more.
Indeed, John tells us that this is eternal life – to know God and to know
Christ (John 17v3). This is life indeed.
Father, we
thank You for Your Word. We pray as Paul did o God, that we may know You Lord
Jesus, and become more deeply and intimately acquainted with You, understanding
and perceiving and recognizing You more fully and clearly in Jesus name, amen.
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