What is your motive? (3)
beloved, I trust this finds you well and bubbling in the Lord. God is concerned
about our motives and He will one day judge everyone’s motives. 2 Corinthians
5v10 (AMPC) says “For we must all appear and be
revealed as we are before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may
receive [his pay] according to what he has done in the body, whether good or
evil [considering what his purpose and motive have been, and what he
has achieved, been busy with, and given himself and his attention to
accomplishing].” Synonyms for motive
include reason, purpose, motivation, intention, aim and cause.
For everything
we do, there is usually a motive, a reason behind it. Are your motives pure?
Paul told the Corinthians that he didn’t even trust his own judgment, but it is
God’s judgment that counts. And that should be the same for us. 1 Corinthians
4v3-6 (TLB) that “What about me? Have I been a good servant? Well, I don’t
worry over what you think about this or what anyone else thinks. I don’t even
trust my own judgment on this point. My conscience is clear, but even that
isn’t final proof. It is the Lord himself who must examine me and decide. So be
careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether
someone is a good servant or not. When the Lord comes, he will turn on the
light so that everyone can see exactly what each one of us is really like, deep
down in our hearts. Then everyone will know why we have been doing the Lord’s
work. At that time God will give to each one whatever praise is coming to him.”
Yet, we are encouraged in Romans 12v2 (AMPC) as to how we can begin to walk in ways
that are acceptable and pleasing to God: “Stop imitating the
ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by
the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower
you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect
in his eyes.” The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. Let
the Spirit of God transform you by the Word of God. Dig deep into the Word of
God – in there, you will know what God wants, what is pleasing to Him and by
His Spirit begin to change to become like Him.
Father, we
thank You so much for Your love. We keep ourselves in Your love, and we thank
You for You are able to keep us from stumbling or falling. We pray You will search us and know us, try
us and know our anxious thoughts, see if there is any impure motive in us or
anything that displeases You, and lead us in the right path in Jesus name,
amen. We take on the mind of Christ, the mind of humility, reverence for God,
service for humanity, and love in Jesus Christ. Thank You for the Spirit of
Christ lives in us as children of God. Help us to walk in the Spirit so that we
do not fulfil the lusts of the flesh, in Jesus name we pray, amen.
only children of God have the Spirit of Christ and are able to live a life that
pleases God. If you find that you want to do the right thing, but constantly
fail, God has made a way for you through Jesus Christ. He was the one who
hadn’t sinned but died for us that we can be made right with God. The question
for you is if you will receive this sacrifice. If you would like to accept Jesus as your Lord
and personal Saviour, and you want to have a relationship with Him.
The Bible says:
“If you declare with your mouth,
“Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,
you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are
justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are
saved.” Romans 10v9-10 (NIV)
You can say this prayer: Heavenly
Father, I come to You today, confessing that I am a sinner. I am sorry for all
that I have done and ask that You forgive me for all of my sins and cleanse me
from all unrighteousness. Lord Jesus, I ask that You be Lord and Saviour over
my life. I believe that You came to die for my sins, and that God raised You
from the dead. Thank You Father for translating me out of the kingdom of
darkness into the Kingdom of Your dear Son. Thank You for sealing me with Your
Holy Spirit of promise. Please keep me till the end in You, and may Your Name
alone be glorified in my life, in Jesus name I pray, amen.
If you said this prayer today, know
that you are now a child of God and that there is much jubilation in heaven
because of you. Begin to attend a Bible-believing church, and keep
the faith! Welcome to God’s family.
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