His life in me
are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord. We thank God
for the life of Christ in us.
“But if Christ lives in you, [then although]
your [natural] body is dead by reason of sin and guilt, the spirit is alive
because of [the] righteousness [that He imputes to you].” Romans 8v10 (AMP)
body will always be dead because of sin. But if Christ is in you, then the
Spirit gives you life, because Christ made you right with God.” Romans 8v10
thank God for the life we live as believers. It’s a life where we have right
standing with God. Remember “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee
the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (John 17v3). It’s a
life whereby we are dead, but Christ lives in us. It’s a life of adherence to,
reliance on and complete trust in the Son of God, Who loved us and gave Himself
for us. Indeed Galatians 2v20-21 (AMP) says “I have been crucified with Christ
[in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ
(the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith
in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who
loved me and gave Himself up for me. [Therefore, I do not treat God’s gracious
gift as something of minor importance and defeat its very purpose]; I do not
set aside and invalidate and frustrate and nullify the grace (unmerited favor)
of God. For if justification (righteousness, acquittal from guilt) comes
through [observing the ritual of] the Law, then Christ (the Messiah) died
groundlessly and to no purpose and in vain. [His death was then wholly
superfluous.]” What does this look like? It’s not a life of following the law
and of rituals, for then Christ died in vain. “When we are in Christ Jesus, it
is not important if we are circumcised or not. The important thing is faith –
the kind of faith that works through love.” (Galatians 5v6, NCV). It’s a life
of grace.
I thank You for Your Word in Jesus name, amen. Thank You for the Spirit which
gives me life, because we have been made right with God. Thank You because in
You we live and move and have our being in Jesus name, amen.
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