His work and I (2)

Hello everyone,

How are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord. Not only is God working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure, He is also at work in our circumstances.

Primary Text
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8v28 (NIV)

If we take a close look at the life of Joseph (Genesis 37, 39-47), we see that it was marked with different ups and downs. First he was the first child of his mum after she was unable to bear child for a while. He was thus in a sense special child. His dad doted on him and gave him a coat of many colours. He was envied by his brothers, and after he had his dreams of greatness he was even more hated. One day he was sold into slavery by them. But there it was recorded that God was with him and made all that he did to prosper. Unfortunately, his master’s wife begins to ask him to sleep with her, and one day she eventually lies that he tried to rape her and he is thrown in prison. But even there it was recorded that God was with him and he was given responsibilities by the prison warden. He interprets the dreams of Pharoah’s butler and baker and tells them not to forget him. The butler who was released forgot Joseph until one day when Pharaoh needed his dreams interpreted. Joseph was brought before Pharaoh with haste, he interpreted his dreams and Pharaoh who recognized the Spirit of God inside of him made him second in command to him. In all of these things, I would say that Joseph learnt compassion (for he himself knew what it felt like to be mistreated by others), humility, self-control, management, patience, and forgiveness. He also strengthened his relationship with God, choosing not to offend him. Beloved, what are your experiences in life teaching you? Are you allowing them to make you more conform you to the image of God? As one author put it, for Joseph:

Supplementary Text
“… each step took him closer to the fulfillment of God’s original intention, although he had no way knowing how he would get there. But in the right time, the moment came for him to be unleashed into his destiny, and he was ready…. Submit to the training of life, knowing that every experience, even the negative ones, are preparing you for the path that you will ultimately take (see James 1:2-4). Accumulate the wisdom afforded even in the places that feel like delays and detours. With God on your side and an intimate relationship with Him, you will eventually reach your destination.” (Hammond, 2004, p. 35&34).

Father, I thank You because You who began a good work in me are faithful to complete it unto the day of Christ. Indeed I submit to You, to Your will, to Your Spirit, to Your processes and to Your plan in Jesus name, amen.

Hammond, M. M. (2004). In search of the Proverbs 31 Man: The one God approves and a woman wants. Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Springs.


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