The Holy Spirit, My Friend
Hello everyone,
How are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord.
Primary Text
“However, I am telling you nothing but the truth when I say it is profitable (good, expedient, advantageous) for you that I go away. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you [into close fellowship with you]; but if I go away, I will send Him to you [to be in close fellowship with you].” John 16v7 (AMP)
One of the bestest friend a person can ever have is the Holy Spirit. Are you looking for a friend that truly understands you, and will give you real counsel and advice, and help you to please the Lord in every way? Look no further, you have that Friend with you and He is called the Holy Spirit. He is the third Person in the Trinity and He is God as well. Our Lord Jesus recognized the importance of having the Holy Spirit with us and He told the disciples, “”I didn’t tell you this earlier because I was with you every day. But now I am on My way to the One who sent Me. Not one of you has asked, ‘Where are you going?’ Instead, the longer I’ve talked, the sadder you’ve become. So let me say it again, this truth: It’s better for you that I leave. For if I don’t leave, the Friend won’t come. But if I go, I’ll send Him to you.” (John 16v4-7, MSG). Hallelujah! And He is here with us and in us (John 14v17). Cultivate your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Talk to Him; seek His counsel; draw upon His strength. He will help you, counsel you, intercede for you, and stand by you. He is right there with you as a believer.
Supplementary Text
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever –“ John 14v16 (AMP)
Thank You Father for Your Spirit with us. Good morning Holy Spirit. Thank You for being my Friend. I want to know You more. Comforter, comfort me; Counselor, counsel me; Helper, help me; Advocate, advocate for me; Intercessor, intercede for me; Strengthener, strengthen me; Standby, stand by me, in Jesus name I pray, amen.
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