No Complaining or Grumbling

Dearly Beloved, I trust this finds you well and bubbling in the Lord. We continue our study on the book of Philippians. Philippians 2v14 (AMPC) says “Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining [against God] and questioning and doubting [among yourselves],” The TLB puts it this way “Live a cheerful life, without complaining or division among yourselves.”  Let’s take a look at the meaning of these words:


Grumble: To murmur or mutter in discontent; complain sullenly; an expression of discontent

Faultfinding: The act of pointing out faults, especially faults of a petty nature; tending to find fault; disposed to complain or object

Complain: To express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault; to make a formal accusation

Questioning: indicating or implying a question; characterized by or indicating intellectual curiosity; inquiring

Doubting: To be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe; to distrust

Division: Separation by difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement; dissension

Cheerful: full of cheer; in good spirits; promoting or inducing cheer; pleasant; bright; characterized by or expressive of good spirits or cheerfulness; hearty or ungrudging


Child of God, God doesn’t want us murmuring, complaining, grumbling, doubting, and questioning. We can look at the journey of the children of Israel out of Egypt and we find that these are some of the things that characterized their attitude. When something went potentially wrong, they would murmur and complain. They found fault with Moses e.t.c. On the contrary, we should live a cheerful life, rejoicing evermore. Instead of doubting and questioning, we should have faith and trust God with our lives. 1 Thessalonians 5v16-18 (AMPC) say “Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always); Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly];Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].” Amen.



Father, we thank You so much for this day. Thank You because You will have us be cheerful and joyful. We pray that we will indeed have an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving. Search us and know our hearts, try us, and know our anxious thoughts. Lord, see if there is anything in us that displeases You, expose and expunge it, and lead us in the way everlasting, in Jesus name, amen.


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