His Free Gift

Hello everyone,

How are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord. We thank God for His free gift. Romans 6v23 (The Living Bible) tells us that “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” We know that it isn’t because of our good deeds or anything that we have done that we are saved, but it is through the price that Christ paid and believing in that. John 1v12-13 (Classic Amplified Bible) says “But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name— Who owe their birth neither to bloods nor to the will of the flesh [that of physical impulse] nor to the will of man [that of a natural father], but to God. [They are born of God!]”

Romans 3v20-29 (The Living Bible) explains more to us: “Now do you see it? No one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what the law commands. For the more we know of God’s laws, the clearer it becomes that we aren’t obeying them; His laws serve only to make us see that we are sinners. But now God has shown us a different way to heaven —not by “being good enough” and trying to keep His laws, but by a new way (though not new, really, for the Scriptures told about it long ago). Now God says He will accept and acquit us—declare us “not guilty”—if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like. Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal;  yet now God declares us “not guilty” of offending Him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in His kindness freely takes away our sins. For God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to end all God’s anger against us. He used Christ’s blood and our faith as the means of saving us from His wrath. In this way He was being entirely fair, even though He did not punish those who sinned in former times. For He was looking forward to the time when Christ would come and take away those sins.  And now in these days also He can receive sinners in this same way because Jesus took away their sins. But isn’t this unfair for God to let criminals go free, and say that they are innocent? No, for He does it on the basis of their trust in Jesus who took away their sins. Then what can we boast about doing to earn our salvation? Nothing at all. Why? Because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds; it is based on what Christ has done and our faith in Him. So it is that we are saved by faith in Christ and not by the good things we do.”

Father, we thank You so very much for the free gift You have given to us. We say that Jesus we believe in You and in the work that You did. We are truly grateful. Blessed be Your holy name forevermore in Jesus name, amen.


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