Confessing Christ
are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord.
Primary Text
hereby do we know that we know Him…” 1 John 2v3 (KJV)
everybody can confess that Jesus is Lord … but those who know God, can do so. 2
John 1v7 (AMP) says “For many imposters (seducers, deceivers, and false
leaders) have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge (confess,
admit) the coming of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) in bodily form. Such a one is
the imposter (the seducer, the deceiver, the false leader, the antagonist of
Christ) and the antichrist.“ Beloved, please do not be deceived by these ones.
However, for those who confess that and acknowledge the Son of God, God lives
in them. 1 John 4v14-15 (AMP) saying “And [besides] we ourselves have seen
(have deliberately and steadfastly contemplated) and bear witness that the
Father has sent the Son [as the] Savior of the world. Anyone who confesses
(acknowledges, owns) that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides (lives, makes His
home) in him and He [abides, lives, makes his home] in God.” Hallelujah! It is
fantastic that the Bible lays out what the truth of our relationship with God
is. We are not to be moved by how we feel, what we see, but by the Word of God.
Even if you are feeling as though you are the worst of sinners, the truth of
the Word is that if you confess (acknowledge and own) Jesus as the Son of God,
God abides in you. Continue to hold on to our confession of faith in Him
(Hebrews 4v14).
Supplementary Text
loved friends, don’t always believe everything you hear just because someone
says it is a message from God: test it first to see if it really is. For there
are many false teachers around, and the way to find out if their message is
from the Holy Spirit is to ask: Does it really agree that Jesus Christ, God’s
Son, actually became a man with a human body? If so, then the message is from
God. 1 John 4v1-2 (TLB)
I confess and acknowledge my faith in You as the Son of God.
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