are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord.
Primary Text
hereby do we know that we know Him…” 1 John 2v3 (KJV)
reason why we know that we know the Lord is that we become overcomers of the
world and of Satan. Through Christ who gives you strength, you are able to say
no to sin. Things that formerly controlled you, can’t anymore. Ephesians 2v1-3
(AMP) saying “And you [He made alive], when you were dead (slain) by [your]
trespasses and sins In which at one time you walked [habitually]. You were
following the course and fashion of this world [were under the sway of the
tendency of this present age], following the prince of the power of the air.
[You were obedient to and under the control of] the [demon] spirit that still
constantly works in the sons of disobedience [the careless, the rebellious, and
the unbelieving, who go against the purposes of God]. Among these we as well as
you once lived and conducted ourselves in the passions of our flesh [our
behavior governed by our corrupt and sensual nature], obeying the impulses of
the flesh and the thoughts of the mind [our cravings dictated by our senses and
our dark imaginings]. We were then by nature children of [God’s] wrath and
heirs of [His] indignation, like the rest of mankind.” But now, because of the
mercy of God, we have been saved, and we are overcomers of the world and Satan.
1 John 5v4 (NIV) saying “for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is
the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”
Supplementary Text
know [absolutely] that anyone born of God does not [deliberately and knowingly]
practice committing sin, but the One Who was begotten of God carefully watches
over and protects him [Christ’s divine presence within him preserves him
against the evil], and the wicked one does not lay hold (get a grip) on him or
touch [him].” 1 John 5v18 (AMP)
we thank You for keeping us by Your power. Thank You Jesus for keeping us safe
and out of the way of the evil one in Jesus name, amen.
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