I will love Thee
are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord. The Psalmist
Primary Text
will love Thee, O LORD, …” Psalm 18v1 (KJV)
do you love the Lord? It is notable that David uses the word “will” making it
something that he was going to do. Beloved, will you love the Lord? In good
times, bad times, regardless of what you see or hear? 1 Corinthians 13v4-8
tells us what love is; not that mushy, transient feeling…. And I wonder if we
can apply it to how we love God. In essence, do you endure long for God? Are
you patient with Him? Are you kind to Him? Or are you envious or jealous of
Him? Are you boastful or haughty in His presence? Are you inflated with pride?
It could be an indication that you are not walking in love towards God. Are you
rude to Him or behave unmannerly? Do you insist on your own way? God says do
this, but you decide to do something else? Are you touchy, fretful, or
resentful, taking account of “perceived wrong” that you say He did to you? Do
you rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness? Or, do you rejoice when right and
truth prevail? Can you say in your walk with Him that you will bear up under
anything and everything that comes, you will ever be ready to believe the best
of God, your hopes will be fadeless under all circumstance, and you will endure
all things without weakening? The amazing thing is that “We love Him, because
He first loved us.” (1 John 4v19, KJV). And with the Spirit of God in us, we
are indeed empowered to love the Lord. The question is will you love Him?
Supplementary Text
He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your mind (intellect).” Matthew 22v37 (AMP)
we thank You for Your Word. Thank You for loving us. Thank You because we can
love You. Indeed I will love You O Lord. You are my God, my King, my Strength,
my Joy, my everything! May my love for You continue to increase in Jesus name,
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