Fellowshipping with Him
are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord.
Primary Text
hereby do we know that we know Him…” 1 John 2v3 (KJV)
way in which we know that we know God is that we have fellowship with Him. 1
John 1v3 (AMP) says “What we have seen and [ourselves] heard, we are also
telling you, so that you too may realize and enjoy fellowship as partners and
partakers with us. And [this] fellowship that we have [which is a
distinguishing mark of Christians] is with the Father and with His Son Jesus
Christ (the Messiah).” Some synonyms of fellowship include companionship,
camaraderie, comradeship, friendship, friendliness and partnership. How
wonderful it is to have communion with the Most High God; to be intimate with
Him. For Him to speak to us and we to Him. We thank God for all this was made
possible by God Himself, sending His Son to die for us. Ephesians 2v13 (TLB)
says “But now you belong to Christ Jesus, and though you once were far away
from God, now you have been brought very near to Him because of what Jesus
Christ has done for you with His blood.” Our God is indeed a living God. Some
serve gods made with silver, and gold, idols that are the works of the hands of
man. But how many of these can boast of fellowshipping with their gods? How
many can proclaim to be led, guided, comforted, taught, counseled, prayed for
by their gods? But we can make that boast of our God, the only wise God, the
living God, the One with whom there is no searching of His understanding, our very
present help in trouble, the all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever present God.
Thank God for the fellowship we have with God.
Supplementary Text
the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13v14 (NIV)
we thank You for the fellowship we have with You and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. May we know You more and more
in Jesus name, amen.
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