His guidance and direction

Hello everyone,

How are you doing on this day? I hope well and bubbling in the Lord.

Primary Text
“The Lord says, “I will teach you and guide you in the way you should live. I will watch over you and be your Guide.” Psalm 32v8 (ERV)

Many times in life we come to crossroads of sorts, and wonder what direction to take. We ponder on the right path to go on. Psalm 23v8 has been a foundational scripture for me. As the Living Bible puts it saying “I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress.” To this end, we can say that there are different paths that a person can take in life, but God is able to lead us along the best pathway for our lives. And the Almighty God is the best Guide anyone could ever have because He is the One who has the roadmap for our lives, who sees the end from the beginning and who has our very best interests at heart. How do we get His guidance for our lives – by asking Him. One way or the other – through His Word, through an inner witness, through people – He will lead you in the right way to go.


Father, I pray according to Your Word in Psalm 25v4-5, show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for me to walk. Lead me; teach me; for You are the God who gives me salvation. I have no hope except in You. Grant me humility and a meek heart O God, for You teach the ways that are right and best to those who humbly turn to You. Grant me a deep and reverential fear of the Lord, for You teach the man who fears You how to choose the best, and we indeed want Your very best for our loves. We thank You that as we obey You, every path You guide us on is fragrant with Your loving-kindness and Your truth in Jesus name we pray, amen.


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